Chloe Page

Nursing Team

Chloe Page - Nursing Team
Chloe Page BSc Hons Nursing Team

Like many of us, horses and animals have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started riding at the age of 6 and was lucky enough to have my first horse when I finished school - a beautiful, retrained racehorse. Since graduating with a BSc Hons degree in Equine Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, I went on to work at a large equine referral hospital and then further trained as an SQP (now RAMA). I have a keen interest in tack related performance issues and therefore decided to undertake a course in bridle fitting with the Society of Master Saddlers. The opportunity then arose to bridle fit alongside working as a freelance groom and rider in my full-time job. I am now really enjoying being back in the equine veterinary world and look forward to completing my nurse training to become a registered equine veterinary nurse while working at Blaircourt. In my spare time you will either find me out riding one of my two geldings or with my Labrador, Remus.